
So your students have finished exploring with circuits, 3-D printing their CAD models, or writing code for a game. Science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) education is wonderfully efficient as so much learning occurs in the work itself. However, once the building is done and the dust settles, what comes next?

My career as an English teacher turned STEAM educator has taught me two certainties. One, STEAM education and language learning go hand-in-hand. Once a project is done, discuss it, write about it, and present it. Excelling in STEAM projects truly requires strong communication skills that must not be ignored. Two, as an educator, I must model the traits I wish to see in my students. For me, this consists of a curiosity and passion for learning, combined with a spirit of inclusiveness that everyone has something to learn and something to teach. This website reflects my dedication to the pursuit of this goal.

“No written word, no spoken plea

Can teach our youth what they should be

Nor all the books on all the shelves

It’s what the teachers are themselves”

-Anonymous author quoted by John Wooden

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